Tummy Wellness for Kids

For busy parents, keeping little tummies feeling good isn’t always easy. Here’s a couple of children’s nutritional supplements that supports normal digestion of foods in growing bodies. And, if you are a grown up looking for digestive relief, read on!

KidScents MightyZyme Chewable Tablets contain enzymes that naturally occur in the body, to support the breakdown of foods (Item # 3259).

KidScents MightyPro is a blend of prebiotics and probiotics specifically formulated for kids. This great tasting powder comes in a single-dose package, so it’s easy to take on the go. Sprinkle on cold food or drink to support gastrointestinal and immune health, while maintaining gut health in children. ( Item # 24261 – today it’s out of stock, message me if you would like me to contact you when it’s available)

For added support, KidScents MightyVites ( Item # 20557) – a berry-flavored chewable tablet that offers kids full nutritional support. KidScents TummyGize (Item # 5305 ) is a relaxing blend essential oil that can be applied directly on tiny tummies.

Your entire family will enjoy NingXia Red, Young Living’s best-selling sweet and tangy drink supplement. A shot of 2-4 ounces daily provides antioxidants and supports whole body health. I love the way my tummy feels after I drink a shot of NingXia Red! Young Living’s digestive support supplements for adults (Life 9, DetoxZyme enzymes and DiGize essential oil blend) have transformed my gut health, following a lifelong struggle with tummy troubles.

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I’m passionate about using Young Living products and love to share them with my friends and others because they have had a profound impact on my life. If you would like to talk about how these products could support you and your family, message me so we can arrange a time to talk. When you place your order, please be sure to use my Young Living Member ID #1734225 as both Sponsor & Enroller. This will keep us connected as you begin your wellness journey with these life-changing products. 

Lisa Osborn, AromaThrive.com